Protected: Item Lookup Website Guide

Errors and how to fix them

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Will working with this website errors are going to happen occasionally. Don’t worry if an error is displayed on the screen as the website was made to do this to show you the problem so it can be fixed.

In this section, all errors will be displayed and further explained so you can better understand them.

This error no table found, or search came back with nothing, is displayed to show that there was no information found regarding the information you used to search for items.

The following is a list of form errors.

This error means that you entered an Accession number wrong.

This error means that you entered the date wrong the right way to put the date is year month day.

This means that you did not put in the first AND last name or organization name for the contributor, remember if the contributor is unknown, you can put N/A.

This error means that you did not select if an item is missing or not.

This error means that you did not select if the item is being displayed or if it is in storage.

This means you did not select if an item is digitalized or not.

This error means you have the missing option and display option selected as yes. Only one of these options can be selected as yes.

This means that you have a location for the item, but it is also marked as missing, remember that if an item has no location, it is to be marked as N/A.

This error means that you have no shelf location selected but you do have a row location selected. You must have a shelf and row location selected.

When filling out the add location form you may get this error. This means that you do not have a room selected.

This error may show up when adding an image. This means that you have no image selected.

Parts of the form that had errors or were not filled out will be displayed in red. This error message notifies you of this.

This error may be displayed when a box value is already in the database.

This error may happen when an accession number is already being used for another item.

This error may happen when a duplicate value of any kind is found.

The following errors may happen when changing information.

This error may appear when trying to change the contributor in an item. Remember when changing a contributor for an item that contributor must already be in the database.

This error may appear when changing the location of an item. Remember that when changing a location for an item the location must already be in the database.

The following error may appear when trying to remove information.

When trying to remove a location, contributor, or image this error may appear. This means that there are items that are using information related to the location, contributor, or image. The item’s accession numbers are then listed so you know what items need to be changed before the information can be deleted.

Not only are there error notifications but there is also a success notification that lets you know your changes or information was submitted.

Here is what it looks like.

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Errors and how to fix them

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