Donald Smith Beckwith together with his wife Dorothy “Josephine” (Schofield) owned and operated Don’s Motel and Restaurant on Main Street in Hantsport for 25 years.

The restaurant property on the west side of Main Street, now civic number 37, was purchased in 19461. Don’s Restaurant was a popular hangout for high school students in the 1950s and 60s. The counter and ice cream floats gave Hantsport its own version of an “American Graffiti” ethos.
The motel property on the east side of Main Street, civic number 38, was purchased in 19582.

The restaurant dining room could accommodate a fairly large gathering. Here are two photos3 of Steadmans Variety Store employees and guests enjoying a festive dinner.

The gentleman seated at the head of the table is Lawrence C. Giffin, manager of Steadmans. His wife Dorothy and son Olliver are seated to his left. A jukebox can be seen in the corner behind them.

This view from the opposite end of the table shows a spacious coat rack and rest room across from the kitchen entrance. Along the wall in the foreground one can see the price of Fish and Chips, 35¢ or Chips, 15¢
More prices are displayed in this photo of Josephine standing at the counter. Note the list of Ice Cream flavours and the pass-through to the kitchen.

Don and Josephine Beckwith retired from the restaurant and motel business, selling both properties in 19724, and moved to Martin’s River. Don was an avid boater, camper and card player5. He learned to play piano at 70, sang solos at church at 85, and took up painting again at 97. Josephine was a devoted wife for 52 years6. Family and friends were always welcome.

- Hants County Registry of Deeds, Book 171, Page 311
- Hants County Registry of Deeds, Book 216, Page 589
- HHS Collection, 2015
- Hants County Registry of Deeds, Book 301, Page 482
- The Chronicle Herald, 6 January 2015
- The Chronicle Herald, 21 December 2021
Wonderful memories of Don’s Restaurant. Loved their Chips & Gravy
I was never old enough to work there but I sure enjoyed the ice cream !!