On the evening of Thursday, March 20th, a most brilliant assembly met on the ice and enjoyed themselves greatly. As will be seen by the list, the masqueraders were of unusual number. The costumes were very fine, with much variety of character.

Mrs. Arthur Graham-Brigand’s Daughter.
Mrs. Walter Davison-Spanish Girl.
Mrs. R_ Michnar-Brigand’s Wife
Mrs. Fred Brown-Mother Goose.
Mrs. Harry Lawrence-Witch of Endor.
Mrs. A Porter-Turkish Lady.
Mrs _ Coalfleet-Old Mother Hubbard.
Mrs. J_ Lawrence-Spanish Signora.
Miss Anna Andrews-Fisherman’s Wife.
Miss Anna Manning-Toy Girl.
Miss _ Porter-Giantess.
Miss _ Porter-Girl of the Period.
Miss Vara Lawrence-True Blue.
Miss Lizzie Graham-Swiss Girl.
Miss E_ Porter-“K.O.A.”
Miss Laura Eaton,
Miss Bessie Carmichael-Twins.
Miss Agnes Anderson-Fisherman’s Daughter.
Miss Minnie Anderson-Daisy Dean.
Miss Belle Coffin-Fraud.
Miss Bessie Salter-2 A.M.
Miss Ethel Newcomb-Lady of the present day.
Miss Rebecca Davison-Erin go bragh.
Miss Netta Churchill-Indian Girl.
Miss May Smith-Nurse Maid.
Miss Kathleen Davison-Morning.
Miss Ella A. Smith-Lady Washington.
Miss _ F_-Summer.
Miss Laura Pierce-Dolly Varden.
Miss Laura Folker-Mrs. Doosenberg.
Miss A_ Martin-Grace Darling.
Miss Susie P. Elder-AEsthette Craze.
Miss Amy Jones-Woodland Nymph.
Miss A_ Folker-Diamond Dyes.
Miss _ Smith. Windsor-Squaw.
Miss Mazzie Smith, Windsor-Squaw.
Miss _ Gibson, Windsor-Purity.
Miss Lily Kearney, Windsor-French Peasant
Robert Barns-Chas. De la Tour.
J.N. _ck-Muckijutuluptiens.
Ma_ Dorman-Imp of Darkness.
George _-George Jackson.
Wm. Anderson-Jack-in-a-Box.
Chas. _-Policeman No. 1.
John _-Knight of the Cross.
_ _-Coloured Nurse.
N.D. _-St. Jacob’s Oil.
Ralph _ald-Coloured Dude.
W_ McDonald-Sailor.
L. B_,
Ben P_-Two Rough Coons.
Rupert Bezanson-Dr. Tanner.
_ _-Chamber Maid.
_ _-Highland Lad.
J _-Gentleman.
Capt. _-Last Rose of Summer.
_ _-_.
_ _-_.
_ _-Commercial Travellers.
_ _-Seaman.
J _=Indian Chief.
D. W. _-French Courtier.
_ _-_ Dude.
James Jolly_-Clown.
J_ _-_ Lady.
Terry W_-Courtier.
Edward Church,
George _- Students of Oxford.
_ _-_leod’s Happy Landlord.
Terry Barker-Satanic Msjesty.
D _-Kate Mullin.
Clifford _-Chamber Maid.
R.B. Walsh-Courtier.
_.H. Folker-Mr. Doosenberry.
Will Churchill-Flirt.
Frank _-Chinese Garden.
John _ Smith, Windsor-White Bear.
F.R. Smith, Windsor-Long Nose Sal.
D. B. Smith, Windsor-Dude.
Phil Mosher, Windsor-Masher.
Jas. Sutherland, Windsor-Earl of Uister.
Alex. McPhee, Windsor-Earl of Paris.
Ward Mosher, Windsor-Southern Planter.
Percy Woodworth, Windsor-Calves.
Harry _, Windsor-Baker Pasha.
R. S_, Windsor-Courtier.
W. Mosher, Windsor-El Mahali.