In an undated manuscript, “History of Mount Denson”, held by the McDade Heritage Centre there is a paragraph or so about the summer resort at Aberdeen Beach.
This History was sketched from some of the children of the Mount Denson school, Miss Cordelia Patterson and others.
Some of this History is also of Falmouth as it explains some of the roads, trails, etc..
History in its proper sense is an account of facts and events as they occurred together with the old legends and observations of the writer “History Story” according to Webster and the same word differently written. The story of the ambitions, toil, suffering and progress of our ancestors should fill our hearts and minds with reverence for that courage and perseverance which has won for us the homes and comforts which we now enjoy.
In this History I have tried to tell as fully as my own knowledge of the place, my study of old history and old documents, following the rivers, old roads, trails, old french cellars, and other markings has enabled me to do the story of this small village the best I can.
For information on the early customs I wish to thank those who so kindly and patiently gave me this information.
It is my hope that those who have never troubled themselves about the early history of their village may be profited by the reading of this history and thus be led to take a greater interest in their native place.
- A. E. (Amos Enzley) Harvey was a son-in-law of Herbert Shaw, having married his daughter Lottie in 1922.
Mr. Herbert Shaw opened up the beach, bordering his property, as a summer resort. He put up a restaurant where was sold candies, and Ice cream etc. during hot weather. He has also built quite a number of cottages, a large pavilion, tables for picnics, bathing houses and a neat little boat which is always at the disposal of the tourists.
This is a favorite resort of many tourists as the bathing is good and the situation of the cottages being high a splendid view is obtained. To the beach was given the name “Aberdeen”. As to the situation in Mount Denson it is on the west side of the Avon River.