The Memorial Garden Committee of the Hantsport & Area Historical Society was formed in 2009 after a chance conversation as to how many people were lying in unmarked graves in Riverbank Cemetery here in Hantsport.

underway for the Memorial Gardens Project proposed for Riverbank Cemetery.
A list was prepared from the Cemetery records showing that there were 224 resting in unmarked graves. Over a considerable time with many hours of research and actual checking of cemetery lots we were able to finalize that there were 115 who did not have marked graves and the actual plot locations were unknown.
The then Town of Hantsport granted an area of land within the Cemetery for the location of the Memorial Garden. Mrs. Rose-Marie Stirrat with her horticultural expertise presented the Society with four plans for the Garden of which the one you see at the Cemetery was chosen. She also chose the plants which would be in keeping with the seasons of the year. Three benches and the tribute stands were donated by families and businesses of the Community.
The Garden is maintained by the Mt. Denson Garden club as their Community project for which the Society is truly indebted.
Doug Symonds and Jane Haliburton at the dedication ceremony

Brian Bishop, Doug Symonds, Jane Haliburton, and Juanita Wilcox

The Hantsport & Area Historical Society invites you to visit the Memorial Garden and spend a few quite moments to honour those citizens from the past who now have not been forgotten.

Burpee D. Allen
Greta Allen
Edward Alley
Eugene Barker
John Edward Barker
William Barker
(Infant) Beazley
Jerusha Ann Beckwith
Jerusha Jane Beckwith
Marvel Calvin Benjamin
Melvin Edward Benjamin
Roxanna Best
(Infant Bezanson)
Annie Jean Burgess
Vincent Orland Burgess
Emaline Carty
John G. Carty
Theodore Carty
Abigal Coffin
Garey Boyce Cahoon
(Infant) Currie
Lauder Davison
Mrs. David Dickie
Dawn Dickie
Patton Dickie
Bertha F. Dorman
Hazel Dorman
Verica Florence Dorman
Margery Farmer
(Infant) Fields
Daisy R. Fraser
Evelyn Frizzle
(Infant) Gollan
Rupert Grey
Ina Harvey
Esther Harvie
Mary Huntly
Bertie Huston
Charles Theodore Hyson
James Albert Hyson
Violet Maud Hyson
Gilbert C. Jones
Gordon S. Jones
Helen M. Jones
Jean Elizabeth Jones
(Infant) Kennedy
Gary Alan Langdon
(Stillborn) Lantz
Doris Beatrice Lawrence
George Einsley Lightfoot
Lois June Lightfoot
William H. Lightfoot
Delbert MacCharles
Lorna E. Maginess
(Infant) McNeil
Ezra Mitchener
Michael Mitchener
Peter John Moore
(Stillborn) Murray
Bertha F. Norman
Bertie Ogilvie
Dickie Patton
Victor Glenwood Penny
(Stillborn) Rockwell
Bessie Salter
Harry Salter
Henry Salter
(Infant) Salter
Joseph Salter
(Stillborn) Salter
Basil Schofield
(Infant) Schofield
Ed Shaw
Rufus Shaw
Albert Smith
Amie Loura Smith
Cora May Smith
George D. Smith
George Edgar Smith
Grant F. Smith
Henry States
Charles Havelock Starratt
Herman Leon Starratt
Inez Mabel Starratt
James Elton Starratt
Jeanette Erma Starratt
(Stillborn) Starratt
Waldo Frank Starratt
Mrs. James Veigle
(Stillborn) Walsh
Laurel Elizabeth Walter
Cathy Gollan Wandell
Edwin White
Allen Young
Annie Young
Thomas Young